This summer, I spent three months in Los Angeles recording my solo album, Northern Star, failing to meet the man of my dreams, get married and get a green card! It became time to leave, but I didn't want to go home, so I decided to take a vacation in St. Martin.
Sunday, 6:30 p.m.
Monday, 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 6:45 a.m.
Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.
Total cost: $2772.
I finally arrive at the French side of St. Martin, in the West Indies, and wow, it's paradise (airfare: $1062). I'm staying in a fab hotel, La Samanna ($340 per night), with a great spa and a well equipped gym (they don't call me Sporty for nothing, you know!). The beach is my back garden! I give myself a couple of hours to settle in, and then go off to the gym-there's nothing like a postflight workout to make you feel human again. Afterward, it's time to hit the sack. Bonnuit, as the locals say.
I swing by the pool, because the view there is breathtaking. I realize that there has to be one downside to paradise: the mosquitoes. We English girls aren't used to being bitten (by mosquitoes, I mean!). But you forget about that quickly, because all the fresh fish, vegetables and fruit ($25) are "the bomb"! The odd exotic cocktail doesn't go amiss, either. Now what do we girls like to do most? Shopping! Maho Plaza is the nearest shopping center, only 10 minutes away. There are loads of great shops (the cabdriver advises me to barter, but I always feel too embarrassed). Later, we hit the beach. The water is as warm as a bath, and crystal-clear, but doesn't taste too good-as I discover when I swallow a mouthful, practicing my swimming technique.
After all that hard work, I need some pampering: a seaweed wrap at the hotel spa ($80). It must be good because I spend most of it fast asleep, with my mouth wide-open. Then it's time for dinner: more fresh fish. It's quite quiet here, but I have yet to find a handsome young man to dine with!
After I call my mum, who happens to be at Spice Girls' headquarters with Emma (Baby Spice), I decide I need a change, so I get a haircut. I try to go a bit Cameron Diaz, but as my mum always reminds me, you can change your hair, but you can't change your face! The rest of the afternoon flies by. I write some postcards, paddle in the ocean and have a lovely reflexology session, all before dinner. I get into bed at about 10:30 and am fast asleep when the loudest thunder you have ever heard wakes me up (you don't get that too often in England). I scramble to switch on the light but we've lost all electricity! I stumble to my buddies' room. It is pretty scary, so all three of us sleep together in one bed.
I wake up around lunchtime, have a body scrub ($40) and go waterskiing (free). I've tried it only once before, but I manage to stay up for a little while. I wrap up my trip with a French manicure ($30). I'm not very good with things like that; in fact, I smudge my nails straightaway! Anyway, I just can't keep away from the good ol' USA. So keep cool, work and play hard. I'll see you all soon.